Someone collects walking canes, someone uses them as a fashion accessory and some people for a balance. For the last case it is important to know: how much weight can a cane support? In this blog we will try to answer.

How much weight can a cane support?

People use walking sticks in different ways. Few people lean down on them directly from above; instead they lean on them at a variety of angles depending on their disability if they have one, general state of health, how good their sense of balance is and many other factors. Therefore, although it is possible to test a stick’s strength by applying pressure from above and seeing at what point it buckles or breaks, this in no way reflects the reality of how people use walking sticks.

How much weight can a cane support

People usually assume all walking canes to be very strong. However, this isn’t the case. For instance, a decorative cane will not be so resilient. A cane’s weight restrictions should be a part of your decision-making since some canes are just not meant to support more than the average range of body weight. Again, averages can vary a lot. Many times, cane-makers don't follow international protocols related to a cane’s weight-bearing capacity. Even when gifting a cane, you need to be careful about the cane’s intended usage and the kind of person who would be using it. Canes for men are usually much heavier than fashion canes for women. Canes made from carbon fiber or anodized aluminum might seem light but they can match hardwood canes in terms of strength and weight-bearing capacity! 

The amount of force a person exerts on a walking stick is linked to their physical condition, not their overall weight. A 225 lb. person using a stick for light balance and support will exert far less force on it than an 112 lb. person who needs to place a great deal of weight on their stick.