This article deals with all the finer points of traveling by airplane with your walking cane. If you need the assistance of a walking stick to walk comfortably, then you should be allowed to use your mobility aid throughout the airport when you are travelling. Airports often require a lot of walking, and boarding a plane can be difficult if you don’t have the support you need. Airlines and airport security are understanding of this, and usually allow passengers to keep their walking sticks with them. However, there are some rules about walking sticks on planes and in airports that you should be aware of. The information below should help you to avoid having your walking stick confiscated by airport security or having trouble with your luggage.

Can you take a walking cane on a plane

There are so many security regulations that it can often be quite confusing about what you can take on a plane and what you cannot.

For this particular occasion, you may want to consider a cane that is a little different to what you are currently using.

To make sure that you get through airport security quickly and to ensure that the cane fits in the plane, you can use a collapsible cane.

This way, when you have to hand over your cane, you can simply fold it up, allow it to be handled more easily.

Another option is to get a walking cane with a seat. Airports typically mean long lines and a lot of hanging around. If your legs are not very strong or if you have a particular injury, you may need to rest.

There are different types of canes that come equipped with a portable seat that can be folded out. Then, you can just sit down until you need to move again.

As a walking cane is an assistive device, you are able to take it aboard an aircraft.

This means that until you sit down on the plane, you will have your walking cane with you. Due to the security measures in place, however, you may have to be parted with it at times.

For instance, it will have to be placed in the x-ray machine to be examined by airport security. If you have difficulties standing upright without any assistance, you should inform a member of the security team. They will be able to guide you until you are given your cane back.

walking stick in plane

It is always a good idea to check beforehand regarding what policies that particular airport might have in place. By doing this, you will be able to avoid confusion, unpleasantness, or delays.

It may be helpful to carry along any medical documents you may have concerning your physical condition.